it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.


if this is the life then why does it feel so good to die today.

Metric's new old album is so damn good. I dont get it. Its their first album, released again. Its seriously better than any of their other stuff. besides a couple of other songs.
Anant got it for me, hes rather good at surprises.

I'm kind of stressed out man haha. I dont know.
I watched the Jackson Pollock movie with Endra. It stressed me out a little bit because I don't want to go insane. But then my dad was getting stressed that I wasn't home cos he wants to take me camera shopping tomorrow. Maybe thats the reason why I may go insane. Jackson Pollock didn't go insane, he was just an alcoholic that had a fucked up life, but such is the life of alcoholics and artists. And artists who are alcoholics haha.

I have a million things to do and I think its killing me.
I should stop talking about death. I've noticed that I mention that I'm going to die alot lately. But I really am stressed out. Even my mother has noticed. I don't know how.. Or maybe I was dreaming that.

I'm going to sleep now.

grow up and blow away. leave your eyes there for me to memorize.

Photo of the last piece i did for IB. Fuck you Hallmark, my work does not resemble your greeting cards. I'm still annoyed by that one comment. Sure, it's there for you to judge, but fuck dude, Hallmark is really crap.. and I understand when people say things about my work but have you seen Hallmark cards? "You feel alright to me" is not Hallmark. Fuck you. But thank you for 8 years of shit, UWCSEA, I have learnt a lot. A lot of what not to do. I will never forget it, or any of the crappy people that will continue to be shat out of that hole.


yvonne said...

<33333 you twin!

calf said...

i lav u and i missss youuss twin.

jen said...

I can't feel a thing my dreams are so tight.

calf said...

i cant feel anything. why would i stand in line tonight.
passive attraction
programmed reaction
more information
cash masturbation

haha i love it, somehow it makes me hate something but im not sure what it is.
also, matthew laurence haha i will be seeing him next week because i need to pick up my piece which anant is taking..

jen said...

Hahaha nice! Which piece? I wish it was easy to send canvas in the post hahaha.

calf said...

hahaha I WISH.
its that piece that i did kinda after i was blown away by derek hess who now i am not so hot on haha.
the one that ms brown didnt like.
i like it alot actually.. strangely i sort of don give a shit abt it but at the same time im very proud of it.. i duno haha.
AIYAAAAAAAH JEN stress what. gona die.

what can i do now that i cannot find the words i need, now that your name is not enough.

My photo
you're my disco.