it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.


forgive me as i burn into the evening.

Someone requested this piece. So I'm painting it. It's similar to the UOB one except she wanted it as one piece instead of two put together. I'm tired but I'm working. What's new. But really I enjoy this haha.

Right, this is basically the same idea as usual. The sky and the ground form a tight embrace. They are hugging, and therefore create a straight line. The clouds are like hearts, they move and change and they are full but light. There are two, because it sounds much better if we're close together.


Les said...

yeah agreed.
and screw hallmark!

calf said...

haha i dont know whether to reply to you here or on yours.
and yeah.
u know, i also hate the hallmark channel. they are together right? or no? either way.. full of movies that make me want to cry out of boredom. they make me restless. i have never seen anythin good on hallmark.. but i dont watch it that much.

Les said...

ahaha i just hate that they advocate right wing ethics as if its a universal law. i mean seriously how anal are their programs. ok you're clock seems out of synch.

calf said...

oh man. jahahahah it was definately not 4 am when i said that. u are right.
i just got home.
my ass hurts from sitting on the wooden thing and my feet hurt too.
i have work tomorro.

what can i do now that i cannot find the words i need, now that your name is not enough.

My photo
you're my disco.