it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.


cause when you're silent i hang onto every word.

Holy crap, I think I am going insane, for real.
I don't want what I get, and I don't get what I want, and what I end up getting wants what I don't want or need, and what I need is to get what I want.
But all I really want is to be happy, and sleep, and sleep while I'm happy so i can have nice dreams and wake up and feel good. Which involves sleeping with what I want HAHA. Just poking. But really. Every morning I wake up and I stress out thinking about and trying to remember what I have to do that day. Even when I have nothing to do. It's like school all over again.
And I hate that I'm leaving. But also I think I need to leave soon.

Oh man, my brain. And my heart.
Painful ah.

I need to sleep more.

THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. But of course it is my fault. hahaha. I have bad timing. I always have. But since when did liking someone ever happen at a good time? Not for me.



jen said...


Les said...

ahaha ok ill indulge you 1 moment.

charmingly confused or confusingly charming?

calf said...

jen- HAHA i cannot say on here man.
but aiya im dying. but i wrote that last night when i was slightly still full of alcohol and kind of still pissed off about it. kind of over it today but it will all come back to me soon haha. MISS U MAN

les - is it not the same? hahaha confused COS of being charming, and charming in a confusing waay? maybe theyre not the same. you confused me. :p

calf said...

jen- HAHA i cannot say on here man.
but aiya im dying. but i wrote that last night when i was slightly still full of alcohol and kind of still pissed off about it. kind of over it today but it will all come back to me soon haha. MISS U MAN

les - is it not the same? hahaha confused COS of being charming, and charming in a confusing waay? maybe theyre not the same. you confused me. :p

calf said...

jen- HAHA i cannot say on here man.
but aiya im dying. but i wrote that last night when i was slightly still full of alcohol and kind of still pissed off about it. kind of over it today but it will all come back to me soon haha. MISS U MAN

les - is it not the same? hahaha confused COS of being charming, and charming in a confusing waay? maybe theyre not the same. you confused me. :p

calf said...

i dunno why that came up 3 times how do i delete it?

Les said...

ok you're a confusingly charming girl whose charmingly confused. haha!

calf said...

HAHAHAHAH. see u soon.

what can i do now that i cannot find the words i need, now that your name is not enough.

My photo
you're my disco.