it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.


you'll never get to heaven if you break my heart

Hahahah I heard that on the radio this afternoon. Anyways. I just realised that all my ramblings are so depressing. So.. I have nothing to say that isn't right now haha but I will try.

I hung out with stew today after painting some murals with his friend Guy at Pitch Black. It was nice, I haven't seen him in soooo long. Months and months. He still looks the same as when I first met him. Haha "met" him, oh man, good times. I'm laughing. More like forced our (Nellie and I) friendship onto him and Ed hahahaha but we quickly laughed it off. Laughed at ourselves. A lot. What on earth were we doing man haha seriously. Anyways. That was like 5 years ago.

Besides that I have nothing else interesting to say.

Lots happening this week.

Nerm is leaving on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday night maybe maybe Home.
I might have to work on Wednesday night. You know I hate typing with capitals (sp?) haha usually I don't but now that I've started doing that on here I can't just stop. It will piss me off.
Anyways, Friday is Womad.. Same goes for Saturday and Sunday haha.
Saturday is also that electro thing.
BUT. Saturday Anna and Anant leave :(

Big sigh. My heart still hurts.
And soon Carlos will leave, and then what will I do? Alone. With people who I don't trust actually like me haha.

ok I said this post would be happier.
Today was okay. :)

OK OK i will not type anymore because when i type with capitals i feel like i need to sound formal. fuck it. i end up sounding like a dumbass.
off to alice's.

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what can i do now that i cannot find the words i need, now that your name is not enough.

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you're my disco.