it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.


when we find the perfect water, we'll hang out on the shore.

why does everyone like to put me in these situations? fuck you all.

i just recieved some exciting but stressful news.
and, i have to go to work soon. for an hour. steal some ice creams etc etc.

i'm kind of in the middle of things again. i think it might be time for change. either i need to get out of here, or i need to sort myself out. or possibly both. but strangely i am kind of enjoying this. hopefully i can cope for another 2 months. until my extended family returns haaaaaa.


jen said...

What is the news! Is it what you put on my facebook? unless YOU DON'T WANT ME TO COME BACK FOR A MONTH :(

Anonymous said...

ARE U CRAZY?!?!?!? I WANT U TO COME BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what can i do now that i cannot find the words i need, now that your name is not enough.

My photo
you're my disco.