i love how they looked so good together, yet had no photos together. ha. i have no faith in marriage. but things are meant to be hard i guess. the savoury moments are the juicy tough ones, otherwise where is the sweet if there is no sour? mmmm. it becomes sweeter because of the sour. you'd think that my parents would become sweeter because they are so sour but no, ha it doesn't work that way, silly me. there will never be photos of us all together, because my dad is the one who takes photos. sad.
why isn't the internet working?
i want to go out and play with my new camera but i have no time. i'm very tired of working. and i'm tired of people leaving. damn you uwcsea for giving people the urge to fuck off to uni. no one ever comes back for good. because no one is singaporean. because singaporeans arent allowed to go to that school unless they make a big deal and have a big suitcase full of cash for some bizarre reason.
and while we are on this topic, whats going on here?! i mean haha what do i know, i can't even come up with the right kind of vocabulary to put out what i'm trying to say. but they are screwing it up slowly for themselves. i dont think its going to work, the casino, all the new buildings that will cost your organs, a few arms and all your legs to live in, all the new hotels. singapore is very green, i agree, but they are plucking out all the trees for this. and planting bushes. i'm ranting and it's not making sense because its quite an effort for me to think of words to describe this haha.
but i don't get it. confuse.
Is that guy your dad? HOT! hahaha and your mum was sooo pretty! She still is!
im beginning to keep my entries really simple. because i don't get my previous ones. haha
jen - ahahahah yes that guy is my dad.... hahahahah he WAS hot. i agree. is that wrong of me to say? hahahah. he lookd like a mad man. miss u!
twin- THANK GOD U ARE BACK! u keep deleting all your stuffs hahah even lj and myspae! hahah love
les- its ok. i get them :)
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