it only takes a moment to knot ourselves together like the ends of a rope, longing to be knotted together, but even lovers have still lives, whole months where they hang together like moths.
yes of course i miss you and i miss you bad,
this is no longer mine, there's sadness written on every corner.
i think i may be getting sick from stress.
but. on a much lighter note. i still enjoy the little things like eating noodles in the middle of the night, and smoking on the balcony, staring at the sky, listening to music. this is all on the balcony still. and butterscotch shots, which i cannot locate anymore. so its not that bad.
but i am still quite stressed.
i miss the good times. i cannot wait until december. i have a feeling i will be very happy in december. like happiest all year. time apart is just too stressful for me when there is no communication. i hate the internet. this is why i could never possibly handle being married to a business man hahaha. business trips will stress me out. i guess i should learn to be less affected by everything, but then where will i go?
so i'm sorry if i disappear for a while.
all the things i've tried to say were never easy to explain..
i was looking through photos and i came across these. and i can actually say that i was really happy that night. around that time, were some good fucking times man. i'll never forget it. best times this year. first half of this year basically. after january. i miss you jen. i miss you anant.
there were good times recently too. but few. special ones.
so i don't know what will happen.
THE FUTURE FREAKS ME OUT. i'm on fire. haha brings back old times. but yeah really, im scared but also, fuck that.
this is not a love song

"unfolds feelings you might have trashed"
Perennially love-struck, their t-sare coming apart at the seams with rose-coloured storylines and mix and match words for every guy and gal who wears their heart on their sleeve.
This season sees T-BOOK ’s pages clouded by lonely hearts, pining like MISSING MACHINES. Machines, as a visual metaphor for the relentlessness of missing someone. Or rather, today’s machines such as phones and clocks and laptops, that keep love together or apart.
Cogs and nuts and bolts became beautiful pattern prints on garments, as if the clothes are the machines that unleash what the hearts want to say, very boldly, ‘I MISS U’ or ‘LOVE DON”T WEAR AWAY’. There are also cheeky ‘SO LONG’ mitten scarves and sleeves to hold your person from faraway.
i love it.
missing machines. oh my god.
i won't forget, i won't forget.
and while i'm waiting,
i have nothing to say.
for no one.

the construction sites are lovely. i want to go inside, but i'm not sure if they would let me, and i'm not sure if it is safe. for a large number of reasons.
you're not burning enough of your body to be loved.
anyways, i have nothing to say because i can't quite gather my thoughts right now.. so here's something to look at instead.
but, if each day, each hour, you feel that you are destined for me with implacable sweetness, in me all that fire is repeated, in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, my love feeds on your love, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine. -Pablo Neruda
i cannot hear with these clouds in my ears.